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Jennifer Donaldson and Center for Women and Business Founding Director, Betsy Myers have been friends for many years. They have similar passions and ideals, so it was no surprise that the CWB would come to Digital-11 to craft a toolkit to help companies help women break through the glass ceiling. This ongoing relationship between the two organizations has resulted in important digital content for the center as they present to outside groups as critical thought leaders on the advancement of women in the workforce.

Center for Women and Business at Bentley University

The Center for Women and Business hired Digital-11 to cover First Best Practices forum on “Sponsorship.” This video features highlights of the forum in which speakers address the importance of sponsorship as an essential aspect of advancing women in business. 


Center for Women and Business at Bentley University Forum on Gender Intelligence Teaser

Digital-11 was hired by Bentley University’s Center for Women and Business to document their first annual Best Practices Forum: The Competitive Advantage of Gender Intelligence. This video is featured on their website and created to inspire future program sponsors. Digital-11 collaborated with staff and student photographers at Bentley to produce the piece, which was then edited by Digital-11 CEO, Jennifer Donaldson. This video includes a few moments from the forum.

Gender Intelligence from Jennifer Donaldson on Vimeo.


The Center for Women and Business at Bentley University Forum on Gender Intelligence
The Center for Women and Business hired Digital-11 to cover their First Best Practices forum on Gender Intelligence on December 13, 2012. This video documents the duration of the forum, which was held at Bentley University. 

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